Period Table - org_acct_periods
ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the open and closed financial periods for organizations. When a period is opened, the period open form (INVTTGPO) pulls in the next available period from the GL table GL_PERIODS. ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the relevant data, such as period start, end and close dates. Note that only postable periods will be brought over. You may create non-postable periods in Oracle General Ledger or in the GL forms provided with Oracle Inventory. If data exists in the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE column, then the period has been closed and no more transactions can be made against the closed period. The combination of the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE and OPEN_FLAG columns reflects the status of a period. When OPEN_FLAG = 'P', it means the period close is processing. When it equals 'N', the period close process is completed. When OPEN_FLAG is 'Y' and PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE is null, it means the period is open. Otherwise, it implies the period close process has failed. Org_Ac...