
Showing posts from February, 2014

Period Table - org_acct_periods

ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the open and closed financial periods for organizations. When a period is opened, the period open form (INVTTGPO) pulls in the next available period from the GL table GL_PERIODS.  ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the relevant data, such as period start, end and close dates. Note that only postable periods will be brought over. You may create non-postable periods in Oracle General Ledger or in the GL forms provided with Oracle Inventory.  If data exists in the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE column, then the period has been closed and no more transactions can be made against the closed period. The combination of the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE and OPEN_FLAG columns reflects the status of a period. When OPEN_FLAG = 'P', it means the period close is processing. When it equals 'N', the period close process is completed. When OPEN_FLAG is 'Y' and PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE is null, it means the period is open. Otherwise, it implies the period close process has failed. Org_Ac...

Query fetching both Prepayment Data and Invoice Data of a Payable Invoice

Will find a query which fetches both invoice and prepayment information of a payable invoice ( Invoice_id = 166014 ). All the queries given in this post and their related posts were tested in R12.1.1 Instance. SELECT  pv . vendor_name  " Vendor  Name" ,        ai . invoice_num  "Invoice Num" ,        ai . invoice_id  "Invoice Id" ,        ai . invoice_amount  "Invoice amount" ,        ail . line_number  "Invoice Line Num" ,        ai2 . invoice_id  "Prepay Invoice Id" ,        ai2 . invoice_num  "Prepay Invoice Num" ,        ail . prepay_line_number  "Prepay Invoice Line Num" ,         (- 1 )*( ail . amount  -  NVL (...

Suppliers and their Bank Details in Oracle Apps R12

Below query will give the details about the joins between suppliers and Bank Account tables. We have tested this query in R12.1.1instance. Query: SELECT                                           /*Supplier Information*/                           aps . segment1                       oracle_supplier_number               , aps . vendor_id               , aps . vendor_name        ...